Good Service at Tuffy Auto Service Center Elgin Equals Good Fuel Economy in Elgin
February 26, 2023
Whether we're trying to save money, save gas or save the environment, most of us Elgin drivers have an interest in decreasing fuel consumption. We've all heard about ways to save money on gas in Illinois, but does it really add up to much? How much can we boost our fuel economy through preventive... More

Rotation Explanation (Tire Rotation Patterns)
February 19, 2023
You may notice that when you get your vehicle's oil changed, your service adviser may recommend that you have your tires rotated at the same time. The reasons are simple. That will allow your tires to wear more evenly and reduce the noise your tires make as you drive down the road. There are di... More

Ask Tuffy Auto Service Center Elgin About the Importance of Service Intervals
February 12, 2023
Today in our Tuffy Auto Service Center Elgin blog, we're going to talk about following recommended service intervals. Your vehicle isn't the only aspect of your life with recommended intervals: What about six-month dental cleanings and regular physical exams? Then there's laundry, mowing the law... More

How to Radiate Cool (Radiator Care)
February 5, 2023
There's nothing that radiates cool like a vehicle radiator that's helping to keep your engine running at the proper temperature. You don't have to baby it, but you can't simply ignore it, either. Let's take a quick dive under the hood to let you know what the radiator is doing. It takes the he... More