Elgin Drivers: Get Fresh Air Inside Your Car
March 31, 2019
Let's talk about air quality in Elgin. It's a global issue, but affects us wherever we are. Many decades ago, Elgin drivers began to become aware of how air pollution negatively affects health. But what about the air inside your vehicle?Now, it's only been in the last few years that cabin air fil... More

Defensive Driving in Elgin, Illinois
March 24, 2019
There was a man in the Elgin area who learned that most car accidents occur within a mile of home so he moved. (Just kidding!)When we think of defensive driving, we often focus on our local Illinois highway situations. The fact of the matter is we need to be just as careful close to home in El... More

Fuel System Cleaning at Tuffy Auto Service Center Elgin for Better Performance
March 17, 2019
Hi Elgin residents. Let's talk fuel injectors. A fuel injector is a valve that delivers fuel to a vehicle's engine. It has to deliver the precise amount of fuel to precisely the right place, precisely when the engine needs it. The fuel also has to be mixed with air before it can burn in the engi... More

Make Your Battery Last
March 10, 2019
Today's report from Tuffy Auto Service Center Elgin is on vehicle batteries, why they die and what we can do to lengthen their life. Most of us have had a dead battery at one time or another. In fact, it would be very unusual if you hadn't. You may be surprised to learn that only 30 percent of El... More

Give me a Brake (Light)!
March 3, 2019
If that little brake warning light pops up on your dash, do you know what it means? Well, if you said no, you wouldn't be alone. You know it has something to do with your brakes, but exactly what? You're not sure. One of the reasons is that it could mean a lot of different things. It could be som... More